Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I've returned (after 2 years)

2 years and I'm back.

It took me 2 years to pick up this blog again.
It took me 2 years to write again.
It took me 2 years to finally accept that people will change with time.

In 2 years, a person can go from being your can't-live-without-friend to being your can't-stand-living-with-stranger. Strange, huh? What 2 years can do...

Nonetheless, we move on.
People will come and go. On this long and tiring but adventurous and beautiful road we call "life", we make frequent stops to greet and meet people as we travel along. For a while, they walk with us on this winding road. But eventually, they will leave us and take a different path - their own path - leaving us alone, afraid and sad. But somehow, we find the courage to continue. And maybe that's what makes life so wonderful and mysterious. No matter how alone or afraid or sad we are, we somehow walk on...