Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Just another fangirl...

I'm such a hypocrite. Probably the hugest one that I know of. Years back, I was so mean to those society call "fangirls". I laughed at them. I teased them. I hated their definite obsession. But look at me now. I've become one of "them". I giggle like a little kid just watching them fool around. I scream like a baby watching them perform on stage. I wake up with their image in my head. I constantly look at my watch, waiting for lecture to end. I find every possible little thing to do at work, just so time will pass by so much quicker. I rush home and don't even feel the need to eat dinner. Instead, I open my laptop and just let their smiles, laughter, and voices take me elsewhere. I go to bed with their image fresh in my head. And that is how I pass my day, with only them in my head. Talk about obsession much?

Coming to love them, I've come to learn so much more about myself and life. Loving them, I've come to learn what it means to patiently wait for someone, to accept a person for all their flaws, to always keep the faith. But most importantly, loving them has taught me the meaning of loving someone wholeheartedly and unconditionally; to love someone, and not wanting anything in return.

That's what my boys have taught me, and for that, I am forever grateful and will patiently wait for them.

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